PDCA’s 18th Annual Design
and Installation of Cost-
Efficient Piles Conference
The Driven Pile Advantage – E4: Efficiency,
Effectiveness, Economy and Environmental
The Pile Driving Contractors Association
is pleased to announce the
18th Annual Design and Installation
of Cost-Efficient Piles (DICEP)
Conference, scheduled for Wednesday and
Thursday, September 20-21, 2017, in Portland,
Ore. Wednesday will be a full session
and Thursday will be a half-day session,
with the conference ending at 12 p.m. This
year’s DICEP conference will be held at the
Crowne Plaza Portland Downtown Convention
Call for presentation abstracts
You’re invited to join PDCA at our 18th
Annual DICEP Conference – “The Driven
Pile Advantage – E4: Economy, Efficiency,
Environmental, Effectiveness” – as a technical
session presenter by submitting your
online presentation abstract.
The conference will consist of 12 technical
sessions, each 45 minutes in length,
addressing the four topics of E4.
Presentations with an engineering
focus, also appealing to contractors, specific
to the Pacific Northwest (PNW); other
non-PNW presentations that follow the
conference E4 theme; and current industry
research and technology are encouraged.
Learn more about engineering
examples specific to the PNW at
https://goo.gl/yt1e3R. You can access
the abstract submission form at
For comments or questions regarding
submissions, please contact Debbie
Schmidt, PDCA director of meetings and
events, at 888-311-PDCA (7322) or 904-
215-4771, debbie@piledrivers.org, or Gerry
McShane, Education Committee chair at
713-210-9323, gmcshane@servicesteel.org.
The DICEP conference is designed
for geotechnical, structural and civil engineers;
contractors; and other firms or individuals
who conduct business, support, or
are associated with the deep foundations,
earth retention and/or the driven pile industry.
PDCA will provide PDH for those
individuals needing confirmation of attendance
and meeting any requirements for
license renewal. All attendees will receive a
“Certificate of Completion” for attending.
The conference will also feature an
exhibit hall design specifically for networking,
socializing and exposure to companies
exhibiting their capabilities, products and
services. Showcasing their business will be
enhanced due to the Wednesday morning
breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon
breaks, evening reception and the Thursday
morning breakfast and a morning break,
which will all be located in the exhibit hall.
Watch for the full brochure and registration
information on the upcoming
DICEP website, which will contain detailed
conference information including registration
and exhibitor information, sponsorship
opportunities, schedules and presentation
titles and presenters.
About Portland
Portland is Oregon’s largest city and sits
on the Columbia and Willamette rivers, in
the shadow of snow-capped Mt. Hood. For
those who want to engage in a little R&R,
there are plenty of local activities to keep
you busy.
Portland International Airport
(PDX) has been rated consecutively as
“America’s Best Airport” from 2013-
2016, and ranked as the number two
U.S. airport by Conde Nast, stating
“The love for Portland, Oregon’s airport
begins outside the airport itself. It is well
connected to the city, and not just by
roads. A MAX light rail line make it one
of the best connected airports in the U.S.
Great local shops and free Wi-Fi make
this one of the most traveler-friendly airports
around.” t
Visit PDCA-DICEP.com for more information
or to register.
Josemaria Toscano / Shutterstock.com
30 | ISSUE 4 2017