Deep Foundation
Dynamic Testing and
Analysis Course
PDCA and Pile Dynamics, Inc. are presenting another
Deep Foundation Dynamic Testing and Analysis course,
Oct. 11 to 13 at the Pile Dynamics, Inc. headquarters in
Cleveland, Ohio.
Wednesday, Oct. 11
Seminar on Deep Foundation Integrity Testing and Wave Equation
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Who should attend?
If you are a geotechnical, structural or construction engineer or an
owner, contractor or other professional involved in the design, construction
and specification of deep foundations, you should attend
this seminar. The seminar is suitable for those new to the field of
foundation testing and analysis.
Wednesday’s agenda
8:00 AM Registration
8:30 Wave Mechanics: Basics
9:30 Non-destructive Testing: High and Low Strain
10:15 Break
10:30 Non-destructive Testing: Crosshole Sonic Logging
11:00 Thermal Integrity Profiling
11:45 PDA Applications
12:15 PM Lunch
1:15 Wave Equation Background
2:15 Wave Equation Workshop: Bearing
Graph, Insp. Chart
3:00 Break
3:15 Wave Equation Workshop: Bearing Graph,
Insp. Chart (cont.)
3:45 Wave Equation Workshop: Driveability
5:00 Adjourn
Thursday, Oct. 12
High Strain Dynamic Foundation Testing Workshop, Part 1
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Who should attend?
Professionals who use the Pile Driving Analyzer® (PDA) system
and CAPWAP® software and want to sharpen their skills should
attend this workshop. Engineers, foundation testing professionals,
students and professors already familiar with the basic concepts of
deep foundation dynamic testing and analysis, or those who desire
to have a basic understanding of the test results presented to them,
will also benefit. Individuals interested in taking the Dynamic
Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test are strongly encouraged
to attend.
Thursday’s agenda
8:30 AM Wave Mechanics for PDA testers (90 min)
10:00 Break
10:15 PDA Testing: Proper Practices
12:30 PM Lunch
1:15 Dynamic Testing of Drilled Shafts and
Augered Piles
1:30 Testing Economics
3:15 Break
3:30 Set-up
4:15 PDA Workshop: Integrity, Stresses, Energy
5:00 Adjourn
Friday, Oct. 13
High Strain Dynamic Foundation Testing Workshop, Part 2
8:30 AM to 5:00 PM
Friday’s agenda
8:30 AM PDA Workshop: Capacity Calculation
9:15 CAPWAP Background
10:45 Break
11:00 CAPWAP Examples
12:30 PM Lunch
1:15 CAPWAP and Refined Wave Equation
1:45 iCAP®: Instant Signal Matching
2:15 PDA Data Quality: Examples
3:15 Break
3:30 Dynamic Measurement and Analysis
Proficiency Test *
5:00 Adjourn
To register for this DFDTA course or for more information,
including hotel information, visit the PDCA website,
www.piledrivers.org, or call the PDCA office at 904-215-4771. t
* At the end of the High Strain Dynamic Testing Workshop, participants may take a multiple
choice Dynamic Measurement and Analysis Proficiency Test, which will take less than 90 minutes
to complete. A certificate of proficiency in high strain dynamic pile testing will be awarded
to those who pass the test.
Aksenenko Olga & serato / Shutterstock.com
32 | ISSUE 4 2017