Land: Greater than $5 Million
America Center Phase II,
Foundation Constructors, Inc.
The America Center Phase II project included the addition of
two six-story office buildings and a four-story parking garage constructed
on the top deck of the landfill with approximate dimensions
of 130 by 260 feet and 180 by 340 feet, respectively. Phase
II of the multi-phase project had Foundation Constructors, Inc.
(FCI) installing 470 eighteen-inch PCPS square spliced pile into
predrilled holes permanently cased with CMP through the landfill
material. During the early stages of the project, and prior to installing
production piles, FCI installed and PDA tested 27 indicators
to check the driving behavior of the piles as well as confirm final
pile lengths. Due to a demanding schedule, FCI elected to utilize
two pile drivers, a Manitowoc 4000W and a Link-Belt LS338
with D62-22 hammers for driving. As a result of the project being
located on a landfill, piles varied in length from 92 feet up to 200
feet. FCI had to overcome a number of project challenges, including
complicated delivery logistics, limited entry access, splicing
requirements and underground obstructions due to working in a
landfill site.
Read about the America Center Phase II by Foundation
Constructors, Inc. on page 92.
Associate/Engineering Affiliate
Downtown Juneau Floating Cruise Ship Berths,
PND Engineers, Inc.
The City and Borough of Juneau (CBJ) needed space to accommodate
two larger, new generation cruise ships close to downtown
Juneau, Alaska. PND Engineers, Inc. worked with CBJ to develop
two independent, floating concrete pontoons to use as the berths
for the cruise ships. Since all access, mooring and breasting structures
are located over deep water, a pile-supported solution was the
most economical method. PND developed a design using 179 steel
pipe piles, incorporated into 24 independent structures to support
the two facilities. The piles ranged in size from 24 inches to 48
inches, with lengths varying from 100 to 240 feet long. Where the
overburden was insufficient, PND incorporated tensioned rock
anchors through the center of the driven piles. Where full-moment
connection was required in shallow overburden, PND used rocksocketed
pipe piles with rock anchors to support the deeper water
structures. The Juneau Cruise Ship Berths project is the largest
cruise ship dock construction project of its type in Alaska state
Read about the Downtown Juneau Floating Cruise Ship Berths by
PND Engineers, Inc. on page 96.