barriers near the shoreline limited the available
options to expand the city’s cruise
ship facilities. PND worked closely with
the CBJ to develop project alternatives and
the selected concept was two independent,
floating concrete pontoons to use as the
berths. The north berth pontoon measured
400 feet long by 50 foot wide. The south
berth pontoon measured 300 feet long by
50 feet wide.
Since all access, mooring and breasting
structures are located over deep water, a pile
supported solution was the most economical
method for design and construction of
Contracting - Engineering
H.B. Fleming specializes in pile driving, excavation support,
cofferdam installation and subaqueous pipelines throughout
northern New England.
89 Pleasant Avenue South Portland, Maine 04106
(207) 799-8514 (207) 799-8538 (fax)
the floating berths. PND Engineers, Inc.
(PND) developed a design using 179 steel
pipe piles, which were incorporated into
24 independent and unique structures to
support the two facilities. The pile sizes
ranged from 24-inch by 0.5-inch pipe piles
to 48-inch by 0.75-inch pipe piles and the
length of pile varied from 100 to 240 feet
long. PND also incorporated a variety of
pile tips in order to optimize the project
cost and adapt the driven pipe piles to the
site conditions. PND used SPIN FIN® pile
tips on piles with high tension loads and
moderate overburden depths. Where there
was insufficient overburden, PND incorporated
tensioned rock anchors through
the center of the driven piles. Where a fullmoment
connection was required in shallow
overburden, PND incorporated rocksocketed
pipe piles with rock anchors to
support the new deeper water structures.
The water depth at the face of the berth
ranges from -60 feet to -100 feet (MLLW).
Manson Construction Company
(Manson), based in Seattle, Wash., was
awarded the construction contract for the
project and construction of the cruise ship
berths began with the pre-fabrication of
elements in the Seattle/Tacoma area in the
SPIN FIN® pile
98 | ISSUE 4 2017