the dock and make sure it was completely backfilled such that the
dock was 100 percent bearing on underwater sand fill.
While dealing with issues of pile driving on the dock, we
derived a plan for placement of fill under the dock. The engineers
made it clear in the pre-bid meeting that no heavy traffic would
be allowed on the dock until the loaded area had been completely
backfilled. Our plan was to cut holes in the dock, place underwater
MARINE: $500,000 TO $2 MILLION
Sand fill
sand fill in the hole and wash the underwater sand fill back toward
the point of beginning, providing a solid underwater backfill supported
dock for the dump truck traffic. We needed a starting point
for the underwater sand fill to wash to, so we began placement in
the northeast corner of the newly installed combi-wall. It took two
weeks and over 10,000 cubic yards of underwater sand fill for the
sand to finally build up enough to where we could see it.