Zack Kays and Lewis Sutherland are two affable Texans
who buy and sell steel piles for the construction pile driving
industry. Kays, 30, and Sutherland, 36, haven’t been
doing it that long, but the self-described “young guns” are having a
great time carving out a niche in a business dominated by veteran
“Both of us love what we do,” said Sutherland. “We always say
we sell passion more than pipe.”
The two men have separate companies – Sutherland owns
Sutherland Pipe & Supply, LLC, while Kays owns Trading
Heritage International – but their businesses are aligned. Kays
handles the purchasing side of the arrangement while Sutherland
is the sales arm.
“It works because Lewis is always out there working the
phones hard on his side and I’m always working the phones hard
on my side. We focus on opposite ends of the business and that has
really helped us to grow,” said Kays.
On the Rise
in the Lone
Star State
Texas entrepreneurs Zack Kays and
Lewis Sutherland are making their
mark in the piling industry
By Mark Halsall
Zack Kays (left) and
Lewis Sutherland (right)
Mitch and Gunner Photography