On Tuesday, June 6, 2017, the
PDCA of South Carolina Chapter
hosted a precast, pre-stressed
concrete (PCPS) plant tour in an effort to
provide educational information to members
of the pile driving industry in the
South Carolina area. The tour was held at
Palmetto Pile Driving, Inc.’s property and
casting yard in Charleston, S.C.
More than 100 engineers, contractors
and suppliers attended the tour. The tour
began with a presentation on the production
of and materials that compose a PCPS
concrete pile. Following that presentation,
the group walked a short distance to the
casting yard where Scott Nigels, field operations
manager for Palmetto Pile Driving,
walked through the production process of
casting concrete piles.
Several beds had been prepared earlier
so the group could actually see the
production process of the manufactured
piles. Van-Smith Concrete Company participated
in the process by providing the
concrete pour, so those attending could see
how the piles were finished and being readied
for distribution.
At the conclusion of the production
demonstration, the group adjourned
for lunch, which was provided on-site at
Palmetto Pile Driving’s property. During
lunch, Cox Industries’ CEO, Michael
Johnson, introduced Catherine Templeton,
candidate for South Carolina governor.
Templeton took this opportunity to talk to
the group about her candidacy and issues
facing the pile driving industry.
The PDCA of South Carolina Chapter
will continue with future educational programs
for the industry, including tours of
steel and timber production facilities.
Next dinner meeting
The PDCA of South Carolina Chapter
will hold its third quarter dinner meeting
on Tuesday, August 29, 2017, at the Town
and Country Inn and Suites, located at
More than 100 guests attended the tour at Palmetto Pile Driving, Inc.
Photos: PDCA of South Carolina Chapter
2008 Savannah Hwy. in Charleston, S.C.
The meeting will begin at 6:00 PM with a
social reception, followed by a buffet dinner
and guest speaker. During this meeting,
the chapter will take nominations for
2018-2019 officer and Directors of the
Chapter Board. For more information,
visit the PDCA website, www.piledrivers.
org, where you will find more information
on all PDCA chapters. t
46 | ISSUE 4 2017