The Pile Driving
Association & You
General Member Benefits
• PDCA is the only international association that
exclusively represents the driven pile industry
• PDCA offers the strength and experience of 21
years as an association representing the driven
pile industry
• PDCA provides a forum for members to promote
driven piles in all cases where they are
• PDCA membership includes pile driving contractors;
associates that supply material, equipment
and services to the pile driving industry;
engineers that design driven pile projects; academicians
who teach foundation engineering;
and end-users who rely on the entire membership
• PDCA members take a dedicated and proactive
approach to advancing the benefits of driven
pile, such as its environmental benefits, efficiency,
cost-effectiveness and rapid productivity
• PDCA membership gives contractors a larger
voice in influencing and establishing procedures
and standards for the installation of driven piles
• PDCA members meet and work directly with
all public agencies to ensure our industry is
equally represented in all deep foundations and
earth retention design and construction specifications
• PDCA members share up-to-date and relevant
industry information in the areas of equipment,
technology, safety, business and more,
so contractors can stay on the cutting edge of
efficiency and productivity designed to increase
their financial bottom line
• PDCA members foster an environment that
allows sharing of information, so all members
can benefit from each other’s experiences
• PDCA members work with other non-competitive
groups on issues of mutual concern
PDCA has developed a number of educational
programs aimed at ensuring the long-term sustainability
of the driven pile industry and professionalism
of its workforce:
• PDCA Annual International Conference and
Expo – Provides technical presentations by
industry experts and offers business and client
development, industry networking and socializing
in one convenient location
• Design and Installation of Cost-Efficient
Piles (DICEP) – This 1.5-day seminar is
focused on providing engineers and contractors
with a greater understanding of the design
capabilities and advantages of driven piles
• Deep Foundation Dynamic Testing and
Analysis (DFDTA) – A concurrent one-day
seminar and two-day workshop designed to
provide instruction in pile testing methods and
proper use of the Pile Driving Analyzer® (PDA)
• Pile Load Test Options Course – A oneday
workshop on the various pile load testing
options to determine pile capacity
• Pile Driving Inspector’s Course – A workshop
designed for those who inspect driven pile
installation during the pile driving process
• Pile Driving Professionals Development
Course – A one-day, entry-level course designed
to strengthen the knowledge, professionalism
and overall comprehension of the pile driving
professional by exploring the critical areas of
the pile driving industry
• Steel Sheet Piling Seminar: Design to
Construction to Lessons Learned –
Designed to provide comprehensive and current
state-of-the-art learning in the various aspects of
steel sheet piling, including designing for loading
and durability, product design and material composition,
advances in installation equipment and
methods of installation, learning from mistakes
and what to avoid through project problems
encountered and solved