inspection, PND performed tests utilizing
the Pile Driving Analyzer® (PDA) system
on pipe piles with and without SPIN FIN®
tips. The PDA tests were performed on
24-inch-diameter pipe piles and 42-inchdiameter
pipe piles in adjacent locations
in order to compare similar sized piles
in the same soil strata with different pile
tip configurations.
The geotechnical testing yielded valuable
information regarding skin friction
resistance distribution along the shaft of the
pile. The pile driving record was imported
into the program Case Pile Wave Analysis
Program (CAPWAP) and signal matching
was performed. The CAPWAP analysis
provides an added degree of accuracy to the
estimated capacity of the pile and further
evaluates how the capacity is developed –
end bearing and frictional resistance distribution
along the shaft. For the SPIN FIN®