“When a company revolves
around a handful of heroes,
it can be demoralizing for
the people who are not
one of those heroes.”
– Marissa Levin, Successful Culture International values struggle. She recommends that businesses re-engineer their
“We use a two-pronged approach to seek out interest and if
hiring processes to ensure that new hires have the technical competence
the potential candidate seems like a good fit, the next steps would
and are culturally aligned with the company’s core values
include an in-person interview,” said Dianna Hemphill-O’Byrne,
before they begin.
communications specialist for PCL.
“Interviewing is the key piece to ensure that you have strong
retention of great people,” said Levin.
3. Be process-centric, not hero-centric
PCL Construction – which was ranked #98 on Fortune magazine’s
The more your processes are documented and employees are
Best Places to Work and #7 on Engineering News-Record’s
trained on those processes, the less risk there is to the organization
Top 400 list of general contractors – uses behavioral aptitude tests
when a key person leaves. Employees can then easily step in
such as the Predictive Index to help gain a clear understanding of
and fill the void.
the motivating needs and behaviors of potential team members.
“When a company revolves around a handful of heroes, it can
be demoralizing for the people who are not one of those heroes,”
said Levin.
4. Check in with employees at all levels
It’s important to know what’s happening throughout all levels of
the company.
“If you’re only talking with other C-level executives, you can be
blinded,” said Levin. She views companies as puzzles.
“When one puzzle piece is missing, the puzzle is still incomplete,”
said Levin. “Everybody matters and everyone sees the company
from their own perspective.”
Leaders need to understand what motivates everyone in
the organization.
5. Lose the hierarchy
Levin believes that the idea of coming in and paying your dues
before you speak up is an antiquated view.
“From the day they start on the job, you should give employees
an opportunity to be valuable,” said Levin. “Creating cultures
of mentorship rather than a strict hierarchy is really important.”
Encourage communication and collaboration.
At employee-owned PCL Construction, all salaried employees
are eligible to become shareholders, and more than 90 per cent
choose the option.
“Employee-ownership is consistently ranked as a top differentiator
for us among our competitors,” said Hemphill-O’Byrne.
Employee-ownership provides a sense of belonging and an understanding
that people at all levels contribute to success. According
stockasso/to Fortune magazine, dividends for long-term employees often
exceed their annual salaries. t
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