Real-time Dynamic
Load Testing
Dynamic load testing (DLT) is a
quick, efficient method to provide
verification of pile capacity and
integrity by applying impact force
on the pile top while monitoring the
pile response using a Pile Driving
Analyzer (PDA). Combined with
static tests, the DLT addresses
site variability and allows a more
economical design. The PDA
monitors pile stresses to help avoid
installation damage and provides
real-time feedback on capacity.
800 368 1138
different sections of the project to keep the
crew moving while waiting on the Army
Corps to issue the wetland permit. And,
due to an end of year in-service date, this
required us to utilize a sky crane to access
structures located outside of wetland
boundaries, but inaccessible without making
a stream crossing or entering a wetland
buffer zone.”
The final challenge, says Scholz, was
getting permission from Kent County to
allow the use of the sky crane without a
zoning variance, as there was no specific
documentation in the county charter to
distinguish a temporary landing zone
from an active heliport.
“We had a scant 48 hours from Kent
County’s decision to allow us to proceed
to get construction entrances, composite
matting, erosion and sediment controls
and the pole fly yard installed, in addition
to mobilization of the sky crane and
associated support trucks, mechanics
and flight technicians onsite. There were
also challenges brought on to obtain the
rigging necessary for this work and to plan
out modifications to the steel poles and
caissons during the sky crane operation.
This resulted in a few of us having to work
through the night finalizing construction
schedules and coordination with the
community and surrounding areas.” PILEDRIVER | 79