IBC 1810 Foundation
Chapter Changes
A quick progress update
Last spring, the GeoCoalition (a group of 37 structural
engineers, geotechnical engineers and contractors) presented
17 significant revisions to Chapter 18 of the
International Building Code (IBC); specifically, members reviewed
IBC 1810, which outlines the manner in which deep foundations are
to be analyzed, designed, detailed and installed. This effort has been
monumental and one of the GeoCoalition’s most important initiatives
– the initial review began in 2012, and the first proposal for
changes submitted to the IBC submitted in 2016. While six submissions
passed in 2016, others were rejected due to word structure.
As proposals can only be submitted to the International Code
Committee (ICC) every three years, the GeoCoalition went back
to work to be ready to submit the rest of the proposed changes
in 2019.
After the meeting in May 2019, all 17 of the GeoCoalition’s
proposals were accepted, but three required re-submittal due to
requests from the ICC panel. Dan Stevenson, the chair of the DFI
Codes and Standards Committee, and Dale Biggers, the chair of the
PDCA Technical Committee and chair of the 1810 GeoCoalition
Code Committee, returned to made presentations to the ICC panel
in October.
At the time of this writing, early results show that these three
proposals have great support; however, final results will not be
released until February. t
An update will be provided to readers in the next issue of PileDriver,
and a summary of the specific changes that the GeoCoalition passed
will be detailed in subsequent issues throughout 2020.
By the PDCA Technical Committee
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