ii. $500,000 to $2 Million
iii. $2 Million to $5 Million
iv. Greater than $5 Million
b. Marine
i. Less than $5 Million
ii. Greater than $5 Million
c. Earth Retention
i. Less than $5 Million
ii. Greater than $5 Million
d. Associate/Engineering Affiliate
e. International (open to non-PDCA members!)
* Values reflect the driven pile contract of a project only
6. The entry fee of USD$250 is required for each project entered
Writing the project narrative: A guide
Please answer as many of the following questions that apply to this
project in as much detail as possible. You may provide any additional
information that you deem relevant. Please note: project
narratives must be submitted in a Microsoft Word (or similar word
processing program) document format. Do not submit a PDF of
the project narrative.
1. What was the pile driving aspect of the project within the
scope of the overall project? Please provide some basic information
about the completed structure.
2. What pile type(s) were used? Why?
3. What was the production pile number for each pile type used?
4. What equipment was used and who were the supplier
5. In what ways were driven piles the best design solution to
meet the needs of the project owner and why were driven piles
best suited to the site’s geotechnical conditions?
6. In what ways was the project challenging? What were the creative
7. Did the driven pile scope of work require any kind of special
innovation in terms of construction techniques, equipment or
materials used? Please provide a detailed description.
8. Were cost saving measures implemented? Please provide a
detailed description.
9. Were there any changes from other deep foundation or earth
retention systems to driven piles?
10. What environmental requirements, considerations or conditions
were present on the site? How were these mitigated?
11. Why do you believe this project qualifies to receive a PDCA
Project of the Year Award?
Include photos
All entries must be accompanied by a minimum of five high-resolution
digital photos. Do not embed photos in your project narrative
Word document; the software compresses the resolution of photos,
making them unsuitable for printing purposes.
For each photo submitted, please include an accurate description
– descriptions can be compiled in a separate Microsoft Word
document, or used as the file name of each photo.
Photos can highlight the progression of the construction process,
including the completed structure.
Please note: Submitting a completed Project of the Year entry
form implies to PDCA and Lester Publications, LLC that the
necessary permissions have been granted to use the photos, and
that the photos and project details can be used in any of PDCA’s
A complete entry
Each complete entry to the PDCA Project of the Year Awards
includes the following components:
•• A completed entry form (available for download from www.
•• A completed project narrative, in Microsoft Word or other text
processing program (not a PDF)
•• Additional supporting documentation (if applicable)
•• A minimum of five high-resolution photos with accompanying
descriptions (either in a separate Microsoft Word document or
as the file name of each photo)
•• The USD$250 entry fee
Once these components are compiled, contact the PDCA office
for the DropBox link to upload your entry. If preferred, save all
components on a flash drive and mail to the PDCA office:
Pile Driving Contractors Association
33 Knight Box Road, Ste. 1
Orange Park, FL 32065
Entries must be postmarked no later than
Friday, March 13, 2020. t
The entry form for the 2020
PDCA Project of the Year
Awards is available for
download from
58 | ISSUE 1 2020