Placement of logo on conference signage including
Exhibit Hall Entrance Unit, Promotional item in
conference bag.
• “PDCA Step Challenge” Pedometers: In 2019, we
estimated PDCA Annual Meeting attendees took a
combined total of 5,850,000 steps during the three-day
conference. We can beat that! Sponsor the PDCA Step
Challenge and attendees will receive a wrist pedometer
with your company logo. The top three “steppers” will
receive 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prizes (TBD).
• Reception Specialty Bar (x2): Sure to be one of our
most sought after sponsorship items featured in the Expo
Hall at both the Opening Reception and Annual Awards
Reception! Sponsorship includes a specialty cocktail bar
and drink (napkins may be provided by you).
• Conference Bag: Given to each attendee, the conference
bag, co-branded with your company logo, allows your
peers to carry materials with them in comfort and style.
Placement of logo on conference signage including
Exhibit Hall Entrance Unit.
• 10th Annual Fundraising Golf Tournament
“Beverage Cart”: Cheers to you and the PDCA
Educational Outreach Fund! Your company logo will be
front and center as attendees enjoy a beverage while
playing championship golf on Thursday morning at
Arizona Grand Golf Course.
• 2020 Annual Conference Beverage Koozie: Help
keep your peers drinks insulated during their stay in
Phoenix! Be the exclusive sponsor of the PDCA 2020
Annual Conference beverage holder. This highly visible
sponsorship will ensure your brand gets in the hands of
each attendee.
• Branded 4GB USB: Increase awareness of your company
the economical way. Help each attendee save their work
by sponsoring a USB fl ash drive. Your brand will continue
to pop as they use the drive long after the conference
ends (can also be provided by you directly).
• Branded Sleep / Relaxation Kit: Ensure attendees get a
peaceful and relaxing night’s sleep to be rested and ready
to go the next day! Each kit will be given to attendees as
they check into the Arizona Grand Resort.
Phoenix, Ariz. illustration: booblgum/123RF PILEDRIVER | 43