Junttan rigs working at the
Washington Monument, a job by
Ford Pile Foundations. Turn to
page 71 of this issue to read more
about Ford Pile Foundations.
Dynamic Monitoring and Wave
Equation Analysis Services
Corporate Office: 216-831-6131
California • Colorado • Florida • Georgia • Illinois • Louisiana
North Carolina • Ohio • Pennsylvania • Texas • Washington
Dynamic Monitoring
• On site PDA testing or remote data collection and
monitoring services using SiteLink® technology.
• Dynamic monitoring can be used to check pile
capacity, measure driving stresses, evaluate
driving system performance and assess pile integrity.
Wave Equation Analysis
• GRL Engineers use GRLWEAP, a one-dimensional
wave equation analysis program to model the pile
driving process.
• Assists in the selection of appropriate pile driving
equipment and pile installation procedures.
Eskelinen says Canada is an important
part of Junttan’s business in North America
and that the company had been thinking
about expanding its presence in the
country for two or three years before the
opportunity to purchase Canadian Pile
Driving Equipment came along.
“Our strategic view is that we want to
be in the main markets, and we want to
be present with our own company,” said
Eskelinen, adding that Canadian Pile
Driving Equipment will retain its name.
Canadian Pile Driving Equipment is
located in Lacombe, Alta., and its former
owner, Bruce Patterson, is still working
there in an important role. Alberta was
one of Junttan’s hottest markets during the
expansion of the Athabasca Oil Sands from
about 2007 to 2012. Things have cooled
off there with the slowdown in the oil and
gas industry, but Eskelinen says Alberta
remains a good service market for the
company due to the high number of Junttan
rigs still operating there.
Junttan sees lots of good opportunities
elsewhere in Canada with the amount
of infrastructure construction going on,
particularly in areas like British Columbia
and the Toronto and Montreal regions.
Eskelinen says a salesman was hired in
Quebec in September to cover the territory
of Eastern Canada and there are plans to
have a Junttan branch in place in Montreal
by next year.
Efficient, versatile and built to last
Dutton believes there are lots of reasons
why Junttan machines have become so
popular in North America.
One has to do with efficiency and
dependability of the Junttan hydraulic
hammer, which Dutton notes is capable of
striking a pile with more force than a diesel
or air hammer.
“We’re actually adding about 20% more
downward force,” said Dutton.
Another reason is versatility.
“We have the ability to drive so many
different types of pile – no pile is too big
or too small,” said Dutton. “Whether it be
one of our dedicated piling rigs to drive the
piles, or our crane-suspended hammers
Photo courtesy of Junttan
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