Conference, which returns February 2022. In September, a live
DICEP in New Orleans is on the calendar. We hope to see you next
year! But no matter what happens, PDCA intends to maintain
virtual programming and greater online connectivity to association
PDCA offers expanded terms of membership
Are you taking full advantage of your PDCA membership? Here, we
want to remind you of some potentially overlooked terms of your
membership that allow you to maximize participation for your
company and your colleagues. Remember, any member in good
standing can visit the PDCA website, log in with your member
credentials and modify your account to address all of the following
terms and options.
• Each contractor, associate and engineering affiliate member can
name up to five individual representatives within each single
office location membership.
• Multiple office discount: Members will receive a 50% discount
on multiple office memberships when they pay for a full price
office membership. Each multiple office will still receive the
allotted number of additional corporate members.
• PDCA members can choose to pay their dues either quarterly
or annually.
• PDCA members can set up automatic dues payments through
the PDCA website.
• Members can choose to purchase a PDCA Website rotating banner
logo advertisement.
• Members can choose to purchase a premium upgrade – your
company logo and website linked from your PDCA website company
profile listing.
• Members can choose to purchase a company logo on their website
• Members can choose to name additional corporate members
beyond the number included in the base membership for an
additional per-person charge.
Membership value added with new email
marketing resource
Perhaps you are looking to incorporate a stronger online presence
for your company, maybe send out promotional emails to your
clients and freshen up your contact list for the new year? You can
perform all of these important marketing functions and more in
what’s called Constant Contact, an e-marketing resource widely
used in business and industry as well as the non-profit, government
and educational sectors. Chances are you have received an
email – maybe from your veterinarian, church, booster club or
friendly association – through Constant Contact.
PDCA has established an agreement with Constant Contact to
make that service available at a reduced cost to our members only.
We are excited to introduce you to what is a value-added PDCA
benefit called the Constant Contact Partner Program. Member
plans start at just $20 per month, but depending on the options
you select for your plan, you could save up to 40% off the retail
price for the service, something that would not be available to you
if you weren’t a PDCA member.
Here are several of the features that you receive through the
Constant Contact Partner Program:
• Website builder and e-commerce tools
• Customizable email templates
• Social media tools
• List building tools
• Advanced features and integrations
• Real-time reporting
• Market survey capabilities
• Support at every step
If you are interested in learning more about the PDCA Constant
Contact Partner Program, please call or email the PDCA office; our
staff is available to help you.
Member benefits
Thank you for your ongoing support and membership in PDCA,
we value your participation. Some of the benefits of PDCA membership
that have and will always be available to you are annual
conferences, educational programs, trade shows, connectivity
between the public and private sectors, industry leadership opportunities,
committee participation, safety discussions and resources,
industry networking, PileDriver magazine, the annual membership
directory, monthly e-newsletter, free content marketing and
reduced rate advertising, among many others. We look forward to
serving you in 2021. t PILEDRIVER | 33