Platforms Working Group
required by OSHA, what do we do to protect our employee and
our assets? We lean in hard to our association and ask that the
collective voice and action of many be the power to move us
forward safely.
For the purpose of this effort, a working platform is defined
as the natural or man-made subgrade used to support the
foundation installation equipment and subsequent construction
activities. In 2018, PDCA, ADSC-IAFD and DFI signed a position
statement publicly stating and underscoring the need for an
industry-wide review of and collective approach to the issue of
working platforms. Out of this effort, members of PDCA, ADSCIAFD
and DFI formed an industry-wide Working Platforms
Working Group (WPWP) to begin dissecting the issue and
proposing a path forward. It’s not hard to imagine the challenges
associated with gathering parties from oft competing disciplines
within the foundations industry and asking them to set aside
competitive advantage in the interest of developing guidance
We lean in hard
to our association
and ask that the
collective voice and
action of many be
the power to move
us forward safely.
Photos courtesy of Palmetto Pile Driving PILEDRIVER | 99