Proven Success for
DRIVEN PILE Foundations
By K.R. Bell, Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer Bechtel Group
(retired), and G. Likins, President Emeritus, Pile Dynamics, Inc.
The article presents a shorter summary of concepts first written
by K.R. Bell, J.R. Davie, J.L. Clemente and G. Likins for a paper
“Proven Success for Driven Pile Foundations” contained
in “Deep Foundations 2002: An International Perspective on
Theory, Design, Construction, and Performance,” Proceedings
of the International Deep Foundations Congress, February
2002, sponsored by the Geo-Institute of the American Society
of Civil Engineers. Geotechnical Special Publication No. 116,
Reston, Va.: ASCE, 2002, pp. 1029-1037.
The full paper was reprinted in the Fall 2002 issue of PileDriver.
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