How Has Your Pile
Driving Business
Changed in 25 Years?
“The pile driving business, like almost every other business, has seen many changes
over the 25 years I have been associated with PDCA. The best thing about PDCA is bringing
awareness of such changes to its members, and at a much faster pace and through one single
medium. Prior to PDCA, contractors mostly depended on their equipment or material suppliers.
There were many holes in this approach and often times made you ‘late to the dance,’ and
could be costly. The creation of PileDriver magazine has been one of the best ways to share all
this and more with its members.
PDCA schedules numerous events throughout each year such as the annual meeting and
multiple educational and special teaching programs. The annual week-long Professors’ Driven
Pile Institute was one such outstanding activity that not only helped educate professors at colleges
and universities throughout the country, but it also allowed these professors to extend
this gained knowledge to their students through classes now being taught.
Creating PDCA chapters across the country has brought contractors closer together to
learn and share and find common ground between them. By doing so, it has become a unifying
force and allows all of us to realize we are competing with other types of foundation
contractors. This has helped each of us to understand the need to stick together and protect
our specialty.
And finally, I feel compelled to recognize the many early leaders who took the initial step
to create the PDCA organization. They began with a dream and supported it with their time
and money. There was no paid staff or office. My thanks also goes to those officers and directors
who have guided PDCA through this 25-year journey. Today, we are blessed to have a
highly qualified staff and a nice office. PDCA can be proud of its success and respected position
it has achieved.”
Randy Dietel
Piling, Inc.
Maksym Chornii / 123rf
80 | ISSUE 4 2020