Q3 2014
Mike Justason
“H ave you ever been involved with a piling project where
you’ve been frustrated by the lack of knowledge on the
part of an owner, designer, inspector, general contractor
or even another piling subcontractor? I think we all have!
Well, there is something you can do as a PDCA member
to help minimize these types of project frustrations –
encourage others to join PDCA!”
Q1 2015
Mike Justason
“M aintaining strong ties to our colleagues in the public
sector is of critical importance for pile drivers.”
Q1 2014
Rusty Signor
“T he driven pile industry was sort of asleep at the wheel
until the mid-90s when PDCA was formed. I have been in
a number of industry organizations, and none have been
as important to my business as PDCA.”
Q2 2015
Eric Alberghini
“A s more and more design contracts are awarded through a competitive bid
process, it is not surprising to see tighter tolerances and piles being driven
to higher capacities.
How many more specifications with impractical
tolerances or other unquantifiable risks would
we see if not for the work PDCA has done and
continues to do?”
Q1 2016
Eric Alberghini
“R enewing your PDCA membership is the best way to not only
show your continued support of PDCA, but also help the only
association that exclusively represents the driven pile industry
to maintain its strength and presence in the foundation industry
on your behalf.”
48 | ISSUE 4 2020 www.piledrivers.org