Q3 2009
John King
“I am asking all PDCA members to take five minutes out of their day and contact … a professor from a college of your
choice and ask if there is anything you can do to introduce them to the world of driven pile. One suggestion is inviting
the students to a job site to watch piles being driven, demonstrate how a hammer works in conjunction with the crane
and leads, or how piles are manufactured.”
Q4 2009
John King
“I have gotten more back from the PDCA than I have given.
Through discussions with my fellow pile drivers, engineers, suppliers and
manufacturers, I know why and how driven piles are better than other deep
foundations options. I have also learned about different options for driving a
pile when something out of the ordinary pops up. And most importantly, I have
friends from Maine to Florida to Texas to Indiana to California who I can call.”
Q1 2010
John King
“E very pile driver knows what our
competitors are telling professors,
engineering students and engineers
about what pile driving does. If we
are going to promote the quality
control, quality assurance, green
aspects of piles and the benefits of
a driven pile, it’s better they hear it
from us so that they get it right.”
46 | ISSUE 4 2020 www.piledrivers.org