Q2 2007
Mark Weisz
“I f you are not already a member, or you haven’t been
involved in a while, please consider the opportunities
that the PDCA offers. I am a good example that you
don’t need to be an owner of a company or belong
to a large corporation to help make a difference.”
Winter 2006
Harry Robbins
“I am certain this news comes as no
shock: there are alternatives to driving
piles. Of course, these alternatives
have their issues, too. But, the negative
image of pile driving is a major selling
point for these alternatives. No
matter that the alternatives may have
questionable quality control, unproven
results, and may actually cause more
disruption than pile driving.”
Q1 2007
Harry Robbins
“O ur industry
does not have
enough champions.”
Winter 2006
Harry Robbins
“I often hear ‘we have a
problem ... the engineer says
we need piles.’ As a pile
driver, I cringe when I hear
this. From my perspective,
the problem is a poor site.
Driven piles are the solution.
Be thankful!”
44 | ISSUE 4 2020 www.piledrivers.org