Summer 2004
Wayne E. Waters
“T he recent failure of the large drilled shaft
foundation under a pier at an expressway
project near Tampa has reverberated
throughout the deep foundation industry…
I wondered, could
such a failure have
occurred with a driven
pile foundation,
assuming the failure
was caused by a
sinkhole? My conclusion
was that it would be
virtually impossible.”
Winter 2005
Randy Dietel
“P DCA, with its diverse membership of contractors,
engineers, suppliers, manufactures and technical
affiliates, has a wealth of knowledge and resources. Many
of these individual members are putting their skills to
work for the good of our organization.”
Summer 2005
Randy Dietel
“T he Citadel football stadium in South Carolina was
originally designed to be on stone columns with spread
footings. When Harry Robbins and John King found
out about the project, they immediately asked for and
obtained a copy of the soils report. By working in tandem,
they were successful in getting an audience with the
head of engineering at the Citadel. They discussed
multiple projects in the local area, which were on driven
piles and the practicality of them over other types.
Next, they spoke to the State Engineer’s office, and
they agreed that a driven pile cost comparison should
be done. The structural engineer on the project also
had to agree and he proceeded to do a redesign using
pre-stressed concrete piles. Harry provided a sample
specification for their review and the rest is history. The
structure is going in on driven piles!”
Winter 2006
Harry Robbins
“I t has been proven
over and over that pile
driving noise is tolerable
and vibrations are a
perceived problem but
not an actual problem.”
Spring 2006
Harry Robbins
“I know from personal experience that PDCA involvement
at the local level is a wise investment of time and energy.”
Fall 2006
Harry Robbins
“ Just because the plans and specifications call for
augercast piles, drilled shafts, ground modifications, or
whatever, it does not mean that driven piles might not
be the best choice for the project. But it is up to you to
convince the designer and the owner to at least consider
a driven pile option. To do nothing is to allow a piece of
your market to slip away without a fight.”
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