Spring 2002
Jim Frazier
“I n our experience, many of the structural engineers
specifying deep foundation projects in this area do not
have much experience – or even much information – on
driven piles. This makes it difficult for the driven pile to
get a fair shake in the marketplace.
“ So what can you do in your area to stay competitive and
increase market share? Get proactive.”
“T he ideal situation is to be involved in the project’s design from the beginning… A well-designed driven pile foundation is
often very competitive with other deep
foundation alternatives.”
Fall 2002
Jim Frazier
“I was curious to see how general economic conditions
were affecting their businesses. The dark and gloomy
picture we seem to get from the news each night was
not what is actually happening in our industry.”
Winter 2002
Jim Frazier
“ As president of the PDCA, I would like to encourage
everyone, employers and employees, to fully understand
their retirement plans. It’s your future. Don’t put all your
eggs in one basket.”
Summer 2002
Jim Frazier
“ As a pile driving professional, I joined the PDCA to help
ensure the vitality of driven piles for future generations.
My first move as a new member was to join the Education
Committee, because I felt this is where I and our
organization can make the biggest impact on the deep
foundation industry.”
Winter 2003
Jim Frazier
“ Our goal is to make this publication a strong
revenue stream for the association, while
improving communication to our members.”
– Jim Frazier
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