A useful saying that I learned long ago is that: (i) good
judgment comes from experience; and (ii) experience
comes from bad judgment.
When PDCA asked me to write a piece about what progress
has been made in the last quarter-century, it reminded me why it
is useful to look at the past: while circumstances change, human
behavior is a relative constant, so history – experience over a longer
period of time – is often predictive of the future. You’ve probably
heard variations of the phrase, “Those who cannot remember
the past are condemned to repeat it” (attributed originally to philosopher
George Santayana). Truer words were never spoken.
I find it hard to believe that I have represented parties in all
areas of the construction space for over 30 years now, but perhaps
I can relate some of my experience to help the reader make a more
informed, and perhaps better, decision on a matter of importance
to him/her.
LAW Where did the time go
and what does it teach
us about the future?
By James Dash, Carlson Dash
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