In effect, viewed from above, the structure becomes a series
of U-shaped horizontal membranes, similar to Mechanically
Stabilized Embankment (MSE) walls that require no toe embedment
for stability.
The OPEN CELL bulkhead is constructed of only three components
– PS27.5 or PS31 flat sheet piles, fabricated connector wyes and
H-pile anchors. Compared to alternative structures, the OPEN CELL
method is significantly less expensive because of reduced sheet pile
weight, no pile toe embedment and reduced backfilling procedures.
When the City of Owensboro, Ky., began the redevelopment of
its downtown waterfront on the Ohio River, two objectives were
desired: stabilize a chronically sloughing bluff and create more
park area. The original design as a tieback combination wall resulted
in bids that exceeded available funding.
The city engineer reassessed the situation and allowed valueengineered
alternative design bids from contractors. One of the
bidders, Richard Goettle, Inc., used the OPEN CELL system as a
substitute earth retention system, offering nearly $13 million in
cost savings, reducing the amount of steel by 30% and saving six to
eight months of wall construction time.
The revised wall design was able to keep all of the original
concept requirements, as well as expedited the design of the new
OPEN CELL bulkhead wall to the acceptance of the city. Goettle
completed the 1,600-foot-long, 40-foot-high sheet pile wall in less
than six months.
The OPEN CELL structure can be applied to virtually any
condition for which a marine waterfront application is needed.
Furthermore, OPEN CELL sheet piles are not dependent on toe
embedment for structural support. Therefore, varying soil site conditions
are not as relevant to the system.
The OPEN CELL system has been successfully installed recently
in New York City, Texas, Washington, Louisiana, Florida, Missouri,
Oregon and Alaska.
Advantages of the OPEN CELL are that this system meets any
new challenges including rising sea levels as well as increased
flooding demands going well into the next century. t
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108 | ISSUE 4 2020