Considerable success with this process has
always resulted in successful pile projects
and no pile failures or settlements of a
structure beyond levels anticipated.
Pile Driving Sheeting and Shoring Foundations Load Testing Pile Drilling
American Pile and Foundation LLC
The East Coast’s Premier Pile Driving and
Drilling Specialty Contractor
61 County Line Road, Somerville, NJ 08876 - 908.534.7430
An MBE Company
any type of driven pile (precast concrete,
steel pipe or steel H-pile). In addition, by
using all or even some of the steps in the
process, a high level of confidence in the
results can be obtained, allowing for the
use of lower factors of safety, resulting in
higher design loads for a given ultimate
capacity, and therefore fewer piles for the
project. This will reduce the overall cost
of the piling and the overall time required
for installing the piles, which can quickly
and easily outweigh the cost of following
this process. Finally, sound, experienced
engineering knowledge and judgment
must be applied to every step of this process
to ensure success. t
AASHTO. LRFD Bridge Design
Specifications. American Association
of State Highway and Transportation
Officials, Washington D.C.
ASTM D1143, “Standard Test Methods
for Deep Foundations Under Static
Axial Compressive Load”, American
Society for Testing and Materials, West
Conshohocken, PA.
ASTM D 4945, “Standard Test Method
for High Strain Dynamic Testing of Deep
Foundations”, American Society for Testing
and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA.
IBC, 2018. International Building Code,
Falls Church, VA, USA
Photos courtesy of GRL Engineers, Inc.
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